Hospital Services

Welcome to Western Highlands Provincial Hospital

Front of Mt Hagen General Hospital
The Hospital has proudly been providing care services to everyone, every day since 1966.

Our Mandate

WHPHA is a Provincial Health Authority (PHA) responsible for the operation and delivery of publicly funded health care services in Western Highlands Province (WHP). In accordance with the PHA Act, 2007, the WHPHA Board of Governance sets the strategic direction for WHP Health within the parameters of the Act and subject to direction from the Minister of Health and HIV/AIDS. Through the Board Chair, the Board is accountable to the Minister for the management and control of WHPHA as established in the Act. The Board is connected to the operational organization, its achievements and conduct through the Chief Executive Officer.

WHPHA operates programs and services throughout WHP in both acute care and, community and urban settings. We work in partnership with the WHP Government. WHPHA provides a range of services out of the Mt. Hagen Hospital and district health facilities across the Province. Our hospital-based care include: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, special care nursery, general medicine, intensive care, general surgery, orthopedics, urology, ophthalmology, specialist consultation clinics including cardiac clinic, TB Clinic, HIV Clinic, Well Women’s clinic, children’s outpatient clinics, psychiatric day and outpatient services, as well as emergency department. These wards and clinics are supported by comprehensive pathology services, radiology, pharmacy, and physiotherapy. The district health facilities operate at levels 1-4, focusing on primary healthcare.

We have been serving the population since 1966. To date, we have more than or equal to 850 staff working in different specialties to contribute to and promote the healthcare services to the community. It demonstrates a commitment to addressing the health needs of the population and promoting the well-being of all who use the services.

Hospital Care Services and Clinics

  • Emergency Services: All patients whether sick or accident come through ED as this is one of the patient entry points. They are seen, diagnosed and treated at the emergency department. For those that need admission are reviewed by specialty doctors and admit them accordingly. One Emergency Physician in Mt. Hagen Hospital A total of 20 beds for patient management in ED.
  • Children’s Outpatient Care: All sick children come through COPD for treatment but if they are too sick then they get admitted to Pediatric ward for further investigation and treatment. A total of 10 Beds in COPD for patient management.
  • Tininga Clinic / Hillary: All HIV/AIDS adult patients are seen and treated at the Tininga Clinic while positive pediatric cases at the Hillary Clinic. All viral loads for HIV patients are done at the Tininga Clinic as we have a mini Laboratory there.
  • Well Women Clinic: Cervical Cancer Screening, testing and treatment is done in Well Women Clinic. Family Support Centre – Sexual Violence and Domestic Violence cases are seen and treated in Family Support Centre.
  • Loo Pok Clinic: Patients with Médical Conditions like Diabètes, Heart Conditions Hypertension are seen at the Loo Pok Clinic.
  • Cough Clinic: Patients with signs and symptoms of Covid -19 and cough are sent to Cough Clinic for testing of Covid -19 and TB. Covid cases have dropped in figures this year.
  • Consultation Clinic: Reviews/ Follow ups are booked and seen in the Consultants Clinic.
  • Pediatric Services: Pediatric patients are admitted and treated by Pediatricians and their team. Western Highlands Provincial Health Authority have 3 Pediatricians (1 full time, 2 management work as well as clinical.
  • Medical Services: Medical Services deals with all medical conditions and we have only one Physician. Medical Ward has a bed capacity of 37 beds.
  • Surgical Services: Trauma cases from Motor Vehicle Accidents, Tribal fights, Domestic Violence, and all other surgical cases are seen and treated by the Surgeons. Western Highlands Provincial Health Authority has 4 Surgeons and one is a Urologist, one Orthopedic, One Pediatric Surgeon, and one General Surgeon who is doing both clinical and admin. Surgical Ward has a bed capacity of 39 beds and Surgical Recovery has 17 beds.
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology (O&G): This team is responsible for Antenatal mothers, Deliveries in the Labour room and Gynae conditions admitted to the Gynae ward. The highest cause of admission to the O&G ward is Post-delivery women. We also have Labour ward that O&G team is responsible. The bed capacity for O&G is 52 beds.
  • Operating Theatre (OT): Anesthetic Services as well as patient surgeries are done in Operating Theatre. We have only 2 major operating rooms and one minor procedure room. We also have an emergency operating theatre in the David Quinn Building.
  • Dental Services: Tooth decay for fillings or removal of tooth as well as Dental Prosthetic Services (false teeth). Dental services are available now as we have a new compressor and Dental Lab equipment.
  • ENT: Currently service is not available as the Specialist Medical Officer resigned from work. No replacement as yet.
  • Pathology Services: Diagnostic blood tests and others are done in Pathology.
  • Physiotherapy Services: All exercises/messages etc. by the Physio team.
  • NOPS: Walking Aids, wheelchairs, etc. Started reporting in 2022 to Western Highlands Health Authority.
  • Blood Bank: Stores all hospital blood for patients as well as Donor Bleeding.
  • Pharmacy Services: All hospital drugs are ordered and dispatched to wards and patients by Pharmacy staff. New orders are done by the Pharmacy Officer in Charge to our main Area Medical Stores in Dobel.
  • Mortuary Services: Storing of dead bodies in the morgue.
  • Ophthalmology: Screens and treat eye conditions and in the last quarter of 2023, a total of 72 eye cases were operated by eye specialist.
  • Psychiatric Unit (Mental Health): Screens and treats all Psychiatric patients. No ward to admit patients and no Medical doctor for this service. Patients are referred to Laloki in Port Moresby if they do not improve from treatment.
  • Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) Services: All infection Prevention Services e.g. Waste management, Sharps Management, and Cleaning are managed by IPC.
  • Occupational Health & Safety: The Occupational Health and Safety Officer is responsible for all safety practices in health and environment.
  • X-ray Department: Provides x-ray services to clients who are in need. We now have an X-ray machine purchased recently.